"24 FRAMES OF LIGHTWELL" is a newborn complex space bringing commerce, fashion, art, and nature together in a renovated 50-year-old building in Taipei. The project offers potential solutions to old walkup apartment renovation through material selection and subtractive design operation with minimal environmental impacts. The lightweight approach is applied to the entire structure for the creation of "24 frames" that extended from the lightwell and influence the interior environment and magnify how visitors sense the surroundings for giving the old building new live. Through the "frames", the aggregated “views” and “senses” of participants will be the continuous integration of new and old performances in spaces and generations over time.
Project Info 案件資訊
-Client 業主:LIGHTWELL 新型態零售概念店
-Project Type 案件類型:Retail Complex and Old House Renovation Design
-Year 年份:2020
-Area 面積:106坪 / 352.79 m2
-Location 地點:Taipei, TW 台灣台北
-Photographs 照片:李晨維攝影工作室、鄭鼎(單點影像)